Do Moms Ever Retire? A Mother's Day Exclusive
An Excerpt from an article on
With Mother’s Day upon us, I began
wondering what mom’s think about retirement. Do they ever really retire and if
so, what does it look and feel like? After numerous responses, I whittled them
down to some of my favorite thoughts, ideas, and stories from moms just like you.
On your special day, I hope they provide a good laugh, smile or warm thought.
Miller, author of Listen, Learn, Love: How to
Dramatically Improve Your Relationship in 30 Days or Less, tells it like it is, “Pull my
hair out now! Stretch marks and motherhood are an undeniable presence that
impacts you even when you want to pretend differently…Try on a pair of non-mom
jeans and check the stretch marks peeking out. Moms don’t retire. We reallocate
our time, restructure our involvement, and resist the urge to tell them what to
do! Sure, there are drastic changes in the job description as the day in, day
out workload changes- sleepless nights with infants shifts into wiping noses,
tying shoes, packing lunches, teenage dramas, more sleepless nights waiting up
for your young driver to return safely, scanning social media for slips and
stalkers, decorating dorm rooms, gently holding broken hearts, and struggling
to find ways to ask questions without being invasive now that he or she is all
grown up!”
Natalie Mark of Oak
Media eludes to the
challenges mom’s face with an empty nest as part of their retirement. “No one
really prepares you for that stage of life. Suddenly, you are a person without
a cause. The house is SOOOO quiet. Motherhood defined me. I am still sad when
they leave because you never really get used to the fact that motherhood as you
know it changes and you take a backseat to their life... I still look at old
photos and cry because I just don't know where the time went.”
Denise Martin,
suggests, “Mom is a description of a relationship - not a career choice. So
technically, once you give birth you are a mom until the day you die, no matter
what path that child's life takes. I will always be Mom to my son but I will
stop mommying him when he is ready to take over his own care and/or finds a
wife willing to mommy him. Then I will retire and start training for my new
description - grandma!”
Patty McDonough
Kennedy writes about her mom, Maggie McDonough’s retirement philosophy which
I’m sure many people can agree with, “I raised six kids, held several jobs and
put up with one husband. Now I have nine grandchildren -- whom I adore. But
that's a lot. I'm not re-tired. I'm just tired. Anyway, there's no such thing
as a retired mom. It's an oxymoron. Whether your kids are two or 42, they'll
find you when they need you. Then you die. And they still keep talking to you!”
Cynthia Bowman offers
an entrepreneur perspective: “After years of being an entrepreneur and working
7 days a week, I promised my daughters that I would stop and be a full time mom
for them. It’s been a great experience so far, although I need to have a glass
of wine at 2:30 now, before the kids get home, so I can be ready for the
hurricane that walks through the door. I’ve also recently discovered that as
much as I love being a full time mom, in the tradition of my mom and her
mother, I missed work. When I found myself ironing the sheets and my
8-year-old’s stuffed animals one afternoon, I decided I better get working,
even if just part-time, before I lose my mind and become a pajama-clad Stepford
housewife. I now write freelance, keep a blog about our family’s life and
travels and still have time to iron a stuffed animal should the craving arise,
all while having food ready on the table. I feel balanced as a mother and as
myself: a woman with an identity beyond my relationship to my kids.”
Janet Lehman of
Empowring Parents highlights the caregiver role that mom’s play, “Being a
Mother is the toughest job any of us Moms ever had and the most rewarding; it
is all about taking care of somebody and learning to let them grow and let go.
By this definition, “Moms” should be retired when their offspring hit adult
milestones but in reality much of parenthood is about leaving a legacy of
sharing and caring to your children and if you are lucky, grandchildren.
Retirement and life
can come with many seasons and as Carla McClure, Director of The Dapper Dan Society
points out, being a mom can have its ups and downs depending on the age and
stages of kids, “I'm a mom of 3 grown children and to me, I should be retired.
When the kids were little I spent time refereeing verbal squabbles between the
kids, now you're the one they ask to cosign an event or a car. All three of my
children are in their 20's so they're at that twenty-something I know I know
everything stage and it drives me nuts. I keep telling myself that I was not
this stupid at this age and just shake my head. Sometimes it's frustrating.
They don't realize that we realize, we're not needed in the same way, however
our advice is still valuable. I think most of us dreamy retirees realize that
we don't ever fully retire from mothering, but as our children progress into
adulthood we do have to gain a thicker skin because those that used to adore us
and hang on our every piece of advice, now act as though we have zero
Thankfully some moms
never retire, as Tracie Hovey president of
shares, “Retirement for my mom looks like traveling across the country to cook
for your 40 year old daughter and her three nearly grown kids and husband. She
didn’t pass down her Martha Stewart homemaking/cooking to me so I look forward
to eating something other than the same three meals I have cooked week after
week for my kids for the past 15 years.”
I hope you enjoyed
this Motherly perspective on retirement and that you enjoy your special day. Life,
let alone retirement, would be possible without all of you. Thank you for all
you have done (especially all the special moms in my own life)… and will
continue to do retired or not. Happy Mother’s Day!
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